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Showing posts from February, 2017

Galante FBI Files part 2

Carmine Galante This post is the second part to the Galante files.  It is an FBI document and it goes into details regarding the Bureau's investigation into Galante and his mafia affiliation with the Bonanno crime family. 

Thomas "Karate" Pitera

 Thomas Pitera in Prison  Pitera was born on December 2, 1954, whole he was a kid he was a victim to being bullied, and this made Pitera into the mean and sadistic person he became as an adult.   Pitera grew up in the Gravesend part of Brooklyn.   Pitera grew up a shy kid, and he was often bullied and beaten. The years of beating and abuse turn Pitera into a cold blooded person.   In Junior high he started watching martial arts movies, and he soon asked his parents to put him in Karate classes.   He studied karate similar to how a monk studies their craft.   His confidence soon grew, and he no longer was the shy timid kid in the school. Karate Pitera always admired the mobsters who hung out in the local socials clubs in the social clubs located around Gravesend.    He admired the respect they commanded, and the wealth.   In 1964 he entered a karate tournament; he faced 7 opponents and destroyed each one.   He won a yearlong scholarship to study karate in J

Galante FBI files part 1

  The attached document shows the investigation that the FBI conducted on Carmine Galante, the notorious cigar mob boss.  The document consists of 97 pages, there is plenty of information to read, and learn about Galante.  Galante was a feared mobster who ruled by his fist.  When his own family decided it was time to go, Galante was taken out execution style. This portion of Galante's file shows a series of memorandums completed by the FBI regarding their investigation into Galante.  In one of the documents you can see that the FBI displays Galante's nicknames "lilo, and lelo".  It is a very interesting read, long with a lot of sections blocked out. Carmine Galante walking with a cigar part one can be purchased here:

Dictorial mob boss Nicky Scarfo Dead at 87

January 18, 2017 Scarfo with some associates Nicodemo Scarfo the notorious mob boss of the Philadelphia mob died on January 18, 2017.  Scarfo was the leader of the Philly mob during the 1980s. Scarfo died at the federal prison medical center in Butner N.C.  The cause of death is believed to have died from natural causes, his health been deteriorating over the past few years.  Scarfo was serving a 55 year prison sentence at the time of his death. Scarfo came to power in 1981 after the hit on Angelo Bruno the old boss.   Nicky Scarfo wanted everybody to pay tribute to him, and anyone that would not needed to go.   Scarfo told his soldiers that anyone who was with the Riccobene’s needed to be killed. Scarfo created a hit list of men from the Riccobene faction of the family.   It was rumored that it at one point as many as 15 people were on the list. After Frank Monty was killed, Scarfo’s consifliere was killed by the Riccobene faction, the order

The Dapper Don with his family

Gotti Mug shot This is old footage that I found online, and it shows the former Boss of the Gambino crime family at home with his family during the holidays.  The exact dates are unknown but it probably was the early 90s.  Here is a link to the video: John Gotti with a Baby Purchase the movie Gotti:: Book: Gotti Rise and Fall Mugshot: 5cbf7f31aa907da2f9b8c1e3cf09dc7773b7c143acdacc5945

Carmine Galante

Carmine Galante Galante Mug Shot Carmine Galante was a mobster who was feared by many other mobsters.  He was ruthless and deadly and did not care about who he hurt or how.  He rose through the mafia ranks as a hit man and as a heroin dealer.  His death was a famous crime scene in Brooklyn.  He was killed by the other mafia families because he refused to share profits, and he had set up and killed 8 members of the Gambino Crime family. Here is a video telling his story: Store: Carmine Galante FBI files volume 1:    Link to the FBI files Volume 2 available for purchase: Link to the FBI files Volume 3 available for purchase: Mugshot: